MSc Clinical Pharmacy and Healthcare Leadership (International)
Bradford, United Kingdom
1 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Sep 2025
GBP 24,180 *
* with placement | GBP 20,468 without placement
MSc Clinical Pharmacy and Healthcare Leadership is ideal for non-UK registered pharmacists who want to develop the clinical and leadership skills to deliver person-centred care to patients.
You will learn about:
- Clinical areas such as respiratory, cardiovascular, diabetes, infectious diseases, mental health and cancer care, their treatments, and how co-morbidities and patient values and beliefs can impact treatment decisions
- Consulting effectively with a patient so they feel listened to and involved in their care
- Identifying and managing risks and making shared decisions with patients about their care and ongoing treatment plan from a patient safety perspective
- Monitoring medications making changes and deprescribing when appropriate
- Leading in a healthcare environment including personal leadership styles and influencing skills, and change and project management
The healthcare leadership aspect of the programme will enable and empower you to lead developments and innovations in pharmacy practice in an environment where you may be the only pharmacist.
You will also learn how to communicate your strategic vision effectively and to lead a team to implement and monitor the resultant changes, including evaluation of services.
Combining clinical pharmacy and leadership skills will put you in an ideal position to lead the way in the development of innovative clinical pharmacy services.
Scholarships and Funding
Every year we award numerous non-repayable scholarships to UK, EU and international students on the basis of academic excellence, personal circumstances or economic hardship.
What you will study
Postgraduate Certificate
- Clinical Pharmacy Practice - Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Endocrine and Renal
- Healthcare Leadership
Postgraduate Diploma
- Clinical Pharmacy Practice - Infection, Immunology, Mental Health, Cancer Care and Pain
- Strategic Planning and Quality Improvement
Degree of Master
Non-placement route
- Research of Quality Improvement Project
Placement route
- Research or Quality Improvement Project
- Pharmacy Placement
Learning and Assessment
This programme uses an evidence-based approach to learning and assessment, which includes face-to-face and online learning.
We use a face-to-face learning and teaching approach known as Team-Based Learning (TBL), which enables continuous formative and summative assessment and feedback to ensure you can keep track of your progress and identify areas for improvement.
TBL has also been shown to be an inclusive approach that enables all students to perform at their best and reduces attainment gaps.
The programme aims to use your own experiences, allow choice in learning and assessment, provide continuous formative feedback and encourage you to move to increasingly advanced stages of personal development.
You will be allocated a personal academic tutor (PAT) who will provide pastoral support to help you succeed in the programme. PATs will provide tailored support and guide you to support services in the University, such as the Academic Skills and English Language teams.
At the beginning of the unit, you will be provided with pre-work, to enable you to gain the underpinning knowledge for the unit.
You will then undertake an ‘individual readiness assurance test’ (iRAT) followed immediately by a ‘team readiness assurance test’ (tRAT). This will provide instant feedback on your knowledge and understanding of the pre-work and your readiness for the next stage of the unit.
The rest of the unit will consist of workshops, simulations and ‘application exercises’ where you will learn to apply your knowledge in patient care and/or service delivery in a real-world setting.
You will undertake assignments based on authentic practice-based scenarios, including written assignments, objective structured clinical exams (OSCEs) and presentations.
Assessment activities on the programme have been designed to offer choice and flexibility wherever possible and to maximise your prior knowledge and experience in your country of practice. You will also identify your own development needs (with the support of your academic tutor (PAT)) and complete an evidence-based portfolio throughout the programme.
In Semester 3, you will undertake a project. For students undertaking the placement, this will usually be an area of focus for your project. Students on the non-placement route will undertake a different practice-related project.
Program Tuition Fee
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.