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Pacific Rim College Diploma of Holistic Nutrition
Pacific Rim College

Diploma of Holistic Nutrition

Victoria, Canada

3 Years


Full time, Part time

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EUR 210 / per credit *


* per credit


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The Diploma of Holistic Nutrition is a 3-year (6-semester) program that explores the use of food to maintain health and to treat illness. This, the most comprehensive on-site program of holistic nutrition in Canada, is comprised of both theoretical and practical courses and includes cooking and clinical coursework. This program is recognized by the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP) and is a NANP-recommended education program.

Having reached for the first time a point in human existence where more humans are overweight than are hungry, where our children's life expectancy is less than ours, and where food resources and indigenous knowledge are vanishing faster than we can preserve them, increasing nutritional knowledge on both local and global scales is of vital importance. The Diploma of Holistic Nutrition is training students to advance human and environmental health through the sharing of nutritional knowledge.

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