Master of Science in Tropical Medicine (MTM)
Antwerp, Belgium
1 Years
Full time, Part time
01 Feb 2025
01 Sep 2025
EUR 5,460 *
* EEA / EUR 16,500 - non-EEA
The Master of Science in Tropical Medicine (MTM) is a 60 credit program with a choice between Biomedical or Clinical Sciences orientation. It builds on the expertise of the Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM).
The MTM aims to develop research skills on diagnosis and management of the most prevalent and re-emerging tropical diseases in the world; it aims to strengthen training in research techniques and methods in the clinical and biomedical fields, and it aims to contribute to the development of research capacity in resource-constrained settings. Moreover, the MTM puts relevant biomedical and clinical research in a broader public health perspective.
What is particular for this master is that
- (a) it covers the tropical diseases chain “from lab to bed”, by focusing on both pathogens and patients,
- (b) it integrates clinical and biomedical expertise in tropical diseases in resource-constrained settings, but also in other settings where tropical diseases occur and
- (c) it focuses on biomedical and clinical/epidemiological research including the development of specific lab competencies for specific settings.
Two orientations
Students can choose between the orientation Clinical Sciences or Biomedical Sciences and can focus their studies on research or professional competencies (see below).
The MTM is taught at the ITM, a stimulating international academic environment, with a multidisciplinary perspective and an emphasis on critical reflection. The multifaceted cultural and professional backgrounds of the international student group stimulate exchange, comparative analysis, and confrontation of ideas. ITM's teaching staff is extensively involved in research in low and middle-income countries and has significant "field knowledge".
Ideal Students
For whom?
- clinical or biomedical professionals who wish to work in reference labs, research institutions, and in the sector of health actors (NGOs) involved in the Global South and
- clinical or biomedical scientists who want to conduct fundamental, applied or operational research in academic/research institutes or reference laboratories.
Program Outcome
At graduation, MTM students should be able to:
- Demonstrate at an advanced level specific knowledge and insight in the field of tropical medicine
- Critically analyze the epidemiological, biomedical, and clinical features of tropical diseases
- Identify and critically discuss the determinants of health-related to tropical diseases
- Contextualize clinical and biomedical expertise in tropical medicine, taking into account the socio-economic and cultural characteristics of low resource settings
- Analyze and interpret the accuracy and pitfalls of laboratory tests for tropical diseases
- Use appropriate research tools and skills for clinical and/or biomedical research on tropical diseases
- Develop and implement properly the consecutive steps of a scientific research project
- Contribute responsibly to a professional and multidisciplinary international team
- Communicate in a written and oral way research results and their relationship to the Sustainable Development Goals to scientific and professional communities.
- Students choosing the orientation Clinical Sciences should also be able to:
- Make a sound differential diagnosis and plan adequate clinical management in specific settings
- Formulate evidence-based guidelines to ameliorate clinical care or laboratory practices in resource-constrained settings
- Improve clinical decisions based on new scientific elements (literature and own experience) in the field of tropical medicine, taking into account resource-constrained settings
- Formulate and justify a research question in the domain of diagnosis and management of tropical diseases, and apply the appropriate research methods.
- Students choosing the orientation Biomedical Sciences should also be able to:
- Use independently the appropriate research techniques within biomedical sciences
- Make an informed choice regarding adapted lab techniques in resource-constrained settings
- Select appropriate research methods and apply them within the relevant context
- Write a research proposal according to the guidelines of a grant application.
The MTM is composed of three parts and is conceived as a program with ample opportunities regarding study flexibility: students can spread their studies over several years (with a maximum of 5 years in a part-time track) and alternate study with work. Studying full-time (1 academic year) is however also possible.
The parts are:
- A core course: Introduction to International Health with its components (20 ECTS).
- Advanced course components: two are orientation-specific course components (10 ECTS), by choosing one of them students confirm their choice of orientation: Tropical Biomedical Sciences (only for orientation Biomedical Sciences, 10 ECTS) or Tropical Medicine and Clinical Decision Making (only for orientation Clinical Sciences, 10 ECTS). The other course components are electives and should together total at least 15 credits.
- The thesis project (15 ECTS).
Some possible advanced short courses (with a total of 15 credits or above):
- Advanced One Health (4 ECTS)
- Clinical Decision-Making for Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (5 ECTS)
- Hospital-based Interventions to Contain Antibiotic Resistance in Low-resource Settings (5 ECTS)
- Molecular Data for Infectious Diseases (5 ECTS)
- Multivariable Analysis (5 ECTS)
- Qualitative and Mixed Methods in International Health Research (8 ECTS)
- Outbreak Investigations and Research (5 ECTS)
- Data for Action (new course being developed) (5 ECTS)
- Sexual & Reproductive Health (5 ECTS)
- Noncommunicable Diseases (5 ECTS)
- Pharmaceutical policies in health systems (5 ECTS)
- Short Course in Clinical Research and Evidence-Based Medicine + Fundamentals of clinical studies: GCP & beyond (9 + 1 ECTS)
- Thesis (15 ECTS)
The structure of the MTM thus allows students to propose a coherent tailor-made study plan.
This provisional study plan is part of an application file. At application students choose:
- between a full-time or part-time study track
- between an orientation Clinical Sciences or Biomedical Sciences via the advanced course components
- and a provisional thesis topic.
Students who choose the part-time track can also include course components from the broader course offer at ITM and/or can opt for credit mobility and follow course components (modules) at other higher education institutions, via:
- Accredited courses offered in the international tropEd network
- Relevant NVAO-accredited courses organized by Flemish/Dutch universities.
The MTM uses established methods for adult learning emphasizing a participatory approach to learning. Teaching consists of interactive lectures, small group sessions followed by plenary presentations and discussion, coached individual or group work, lab sessions, and presentations related to assignments. In addition, personal work is required for preparatory and additional reading and for personal assignments.
Student Testimonials
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.