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Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp Master of Science in Global One Health: Diseases at the Human-animal Interface (MScGOH)
Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp

Master of Science in Global One Health: Diseases at the Human-animal Interface (MScGOH)

Antwerp, Belgium

2 Years


Full time, Part time

31 Mar 2025

01 Feb 2026

EUR 5,460

Blended, Distance learning


The Master of Science in Global One Health: diseases at the human-animal interface or MScGOH (formerly Master of Science in Tropical Animal Health or MSTAH) will be offered as a 2-year blended program (mainly web-based with optional face-to-face parts) in collaboration with the Department of Veterinary Tropical Diseases of the University of Pretoria, South-Africa (UP). The program is designed to allow participants to combine work and study (largely done from your home). It contains the following components: a compulsory induction week, 4 compulsory online core modules, advanced modules that you can choose (to support your specific career path), and a mini-dissertation.

Content: Following an integrated One Health approach, the program focuses on the relationships between infectious and parasitic diseases of animals and humans (zoonoses), diseases, and ecosystem health in order to improve disease control strategies, ecosystem sustainability, food security, and rural development. It will support the building of capacity to meet the challenges to the health of people, livestock, and wildlife at such interfaces and at the same time building capacity that can influence the policy process to increase recognition and realization of the One Health concept when dealing with livestock, human and wildlife diseases in the tropics.

Important: Teaching modalities may be adjusted to fit the Coronavirus outbreak. Face-to-face teaching might be postponed or replaced by online teaching.

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Program Admission Requirements

Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.

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