Health Care Programmes in Sweden 2025
Malmö University
Master in Biomedical Surface Science
- Malmö, Sweden
Full time
2 years
The program creates a platform for understanding the involvement of surface science in biomedicine and biotechnology. You will get theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the areas of biomedical activities that require expertise beyond the traditional disciplines of biomedicine, chemistry, or biology.
Chalmers University of Technology
MSc in Biomedical Engineering
- Gothenburg, Sweden
Full time
2 years
With global life expectancy rising rapidly, healthcare systems urgently need to improve. MSc in Biomedical Engineering bridging the gaps between the design and problem-solving skills of traditional engineering and the medical and biological sciences, biomedical engineering can play a vital role in that journey. And when combined with progress and developments in the field of IT, a new world of possibilities in how health care can be improved and delivered is emerging.
Jönköping University
Prosthetics and Orthotics, BSc
- Jönköping, Sweden
Full time
3 years
Prosthetists and Orthotists work with assistive devices that sit on the outside of the body and replace or assist any part of the body that is not functioning properly.
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
MSc Medical Engineering
- Stockholm, Sweden
Full time
2 years
The master's programme in Medical Engineering covers the broad and interdisciplinary field of Medical Engineering, exploring the merits and limitations of the technology used in clinical and preclinical applications. Students choose a specialisation in Computer Science, Electronics or Physics, and further specialise in Biomechanics, Health Systems or Imaging. Professionals with experience in both technology and medicine face vast career opportunities.
University of Gothenburg, Sahlgrenska Academy (Faculty of Medicine)
Master's in Public Health Science
- Gothenburg, Sweden
Full time
2 years
The Master’s Programme in Public Health Science is for those who are interested in health and public health. Our programme provides students with the skills they need to work strategically and practically with public health, both nationally and internationally. You will learn the individual and structural factors that impact health and what conditions ensure individuals have good health and health equality. After completing the programme, you will have a range of career opportunities and can continue on to doctoral studies.
University of Skövde
MSc in Molecular Biotechnology (Two Years)
- Norrmalm, Sweden
Full time
2 years
The master’s programme in Molecular Biotechnology has been developed in close cooperation with businesses working within bioscience and the biotechnology sector. This makes it unique and means that you will learn systems biology methods that are in demand both within the employment market and in research.
Stockholm University
Master in Medical Radiation Physics
- Stockholm, Sweden
Full time
2 years
The master’s program in medical physics combines your interest in physics with applications in medicine. You will study how radiation is used within health care to diagnose and treat diseases, and you will undergo practical training at the hospital.
World Maritime University
MSc in Maritime Affairs - Maritime Law & Policy
- Malmö, Sweden
Full time
14 Months
WMU’s MSc programme emphasizes the practical application of expertise. It offers both an overview of the complex, inter-related maritime and ocean fields, as well as the opportunity to specialize. The programme is designed to respond directly to the real needs of the maritime industry, and to equip graduates with the skills needed today and in the future. It is academically challenging and professionally oriented, and is designed for ambitious, mid-career maritime professionals. It provides a particularly strong foundation for those intending to move into either a national or an international career.
Dalarna University
Master of Global Sexual and Reproductive Health
- Falun, Sweden
Full time
1 Year
Equal access to sexual and reproductive health care contributes to positive economic, health and educational outcomes for children and their parents, while shaping future economic development and environmental sustainability.
Södertörn University
International Master's Programme in Infectious Disease Control
- Stockholm, Sweden
Full time
1 Year
This Master’s degree provides a methodological toolbox for disease control; it includes epidemiology, statistics, GIS, and meta-analysis, as well as practical, hands-on experience. Disease prevention plays a vital role in improving international health and welfare, including areas such as human rights, justice, and gender equality.
Linköping University
MSc Ageing and Global Change
- Norrköping, Sweden
Full time
4 semesters
Distance learning
Do you want to contribute to the sustainability of an ageing society and the well-being of an ageing population? Then this is your master’s programme.
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
MSc in Veterinary nursing with a Major in Veterinary Nursing
- Uppsala, Sweden
Full time
2 years
MSc with a Major in Veterinary Nursing programme gives you a good foundation for postgraduate education and knowledge to sustainably and ethically conduct development work, innovation and work in animal health care today and in the future. The programme is based on relevant scientific, societal and ethical aspects with a clear connection to research and business in animal health and medical care. The studies give you in-depth knowledge in, among other things, animal care in medicine, surgery, anaesthesiology, acute / intensive care, and rehabilitation.
Karolinska Institutet
Master's Programme in Health Economics, Policy and Management
- Stockholm, Sweden
Full time
2 years
The Master's Programme in Health Economics, Policy and Management provides a global perspective to the medical management field and has a multidisciplinary approach. Medical management addresses how resources in the form of competence, knowledge, material and other assets can best be used and developed to improve human health.
Örebro University
Master's Programme in Experimental Medicine
- Örebro, Sweden
Full time
2 years
The Master’s program in Experimental Medicine gives you a broad insight into general aspects that affect public health in today’s society. The main focus of the program is on inflammatory mechanisms and their implication for public health, as many of the common diseases worldwide share an inflammation process as a common denominator. You will gain knowledge and skills in modern experimental medical and laboratory science, as well as in-depth knowledge of cell biology, immunology, human genetics and bioinformatics, and translational medicine.
Lund University
MSc in Public Health
- Lund, Sweden
Full time
2 years
This is a cross-disciplinary programme with a global perspective. It provides students with evidence-based knowledge and a toolkit for conducting research, policy-making and fieldwork. The faculty has substantial experience from a range of disciplinary and geographical contexts and the diversity of the student body contributes to a stimulating learning environment. As one student expressed it: “The class and teaching are a microcosm of the global context we’ll face in work-life". Alumni are currently employed at a variety of institutions such as national health ministries, UNICEF, the WHO and various NGOs. In addition, many are researchers at top-ranked universities.